Présentation du livre

Le livre « Images of war – German guns of the third Reich « , par Ian Baxter rejoint la bibliothèque du BEMALPA.

L’ouvrage est détaillé et se consacre à la vaste diversité de l’armement de tir allemand durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il est, comme son titre l’indique, largement illustré d’un nombre impressionnant de photographies d’armement et de canons allemands. le livre analyse le développement des techniques de tirs directs et indirects, et explique toute l’importance de l’artillerie dans la conduite des opérations de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. le livre est bien organisé et présente une large gamme d’armement par puissance et type : infanterie, canon lourds, super-lourd, anti-aérien, anti-tank, …

Images of war german Guns of the third Reich


  • Photographic acknowledgements
  • Introduction
  • Structure and training
  • Infantry guns
  • Heavy guns
  • Anti-aircraft guns
  • Anti-tank guns
  • Transporting guns
  • Super heavy guns
  • Mounted self-propelled guns

Titre : German guns of the third Reich

Auteurs : Ian Baxter

Éditions : Pen and Sword .

Total pages : 128

ISBN : 9-781844-155675

Résumé de l’éditeur

« German Guns of the Third Reich is an illustrated record of German light and heavy artillery, heavy mortars, anti-tank and anti-aircraft guns at war. Using previously unpublished photographs, many of which have come from the albums of individuals who took part in the war, it presents a unique visual account of the various German guns that were deployed for action between 1939 and 1945.

The book analyses the development of the German gun at war and shows how it became of decisive importance for the preparation and the successful conduct of atta and defense. It describes how German forces carefully built up their assault forces utilizing all available guns and making into an effective killing machine.

It shows how various Panzerjger and Panzergrenadier units fought on the battlefield using a host of antitank guns with lethal effect. Throughout the book it depicts life as a gunner, how the guns were deployed for action, and illustrates the various modes of transport that were used to move the guns from one battle front to another. Each chapter details the various guns that went into production and eventually saw action on the battlefield.  »

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